
Christie Sandvik

Please let Christie know if you would like to use this set of paintings for science education and outreach.

This set of paintings was made to stimulate open conversations and thoughts about the effects of climate change.  This piece was shown in ArtPrize7 in 2015, where Christie was able to talk to approximately 10,000 people  during the nearly month-long competition.  Standing by the piece wearing shirts which read "Ask Me About Science", Christie was able to use her 10 years of science education to answer questions her viewers had about climate change and sea level rise.


Scale: Each piece in this collection of six pieces is approximately 2.50 by 1.35 meters.

Akumal, Mexico 

(© 2014)

With changing climate, melting icebergs, and a general trend of sea level rise, this set of paintings investigates possible human adaptations to sea level rise, should we need to expand human life into the sea.   Differing stages of adaptation are proposed with stage three being most well adapted in the case of equal life in the sea and on land.


Human Adaptations

to Sea Level
